Sunday, August 22, 2021

Blue Moon 2021 and an Adventure!

 What a time I am having with new laptop.  Happy to have tech minds in an earshot away!
I hooked a beautiful mint green mouse to get me to where I need to be, with ease.  Pounding the
home plate broke a nail and caused cursing!

I would like to share an amazing, fun, exciting story I came across.  A Canadian writer !!!!
I laughed out loud reading this and I held my breath as well! 

Becoming Crone  author Lydia M Hawke

I have never felt invested in a story, till now.  Finally I can relate to the main character, so will other
women of this age. Many realizations of life, beneath this entertaining tale.  I found wisdom, magick, the Craft and women fighting evil !  I am pleased this author is tapping into a large readership who has been placed in the shadows of story telling.

The first in the series and I will be waiting for the next in January 2022.

The last blue moon till 2025, they?say.  She was beaming the last few nights in rehearsal  forsure!
My intuition is keeping me aware in my semi sleepless nights.  Can  you feel the extra power?
Pray the fires stop! and humans find kindness.  
I leave you with a moon photo from my perch. I do wish I could see as if I had a telephoto eyeballs!
from Drew Barrymoore to FB friends (my daughter)

I am pleased with what I have, a front row seat!  Night All! 


  1. Oh me too, I can't STAND using the scroll pad on a laptop -- I simply must, MUST, have a mouse! And thanks for that book recommendation -- and I see that the series as a whole is called "The Crone Wars" . . . that's promising, LOL!

  2. I thought of several of you All reading the first story. I am looking forward
    to "The Crone Wars" I recommend this entertaining delight!


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