Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Canadian Sisters Rebel Yell!

Hello there! ( as my new favourite Netflix Chelsea Handler would say)
I've been all over the graph lately, my restlessness of spirit is exhausting.  Family is marching forward, with confidence, puddleduck's are aging rapidly and a new princess Puddleduck has joined the clan! Comforting to know that a tiny speck of this wacky Nana will live on.
Ancestors have been poking my sister & I .  With the mess just south of us ( 🇺🇸) our heritage flairs.
Our maternal grandmother was born in USA. This family began here. The Crittenden's

Webster NY.

Little sister loves to roam, but with purpose.  Her quest was to visit great great grands resting place and feel the area that our maternal grandmother ( who my little sisters takes after)  called home befor she fell for a " bad boy" Canadian. My sister felt the pull, but distressed by the divide in ideals.  Vermont , Connecticut, Webster NY, puritin ancestors walked. I did hear a whisper of some in Pennsylvania  & Massacusites ( sorry for spelling ) who didn't pass the " Puritan"  test! ( wink, wink!)
She did report a wonderful trip, whimsical B & B's , and politics alerting tourists what to expect.
I wonder if my sister had her treasured "Obama" bobblehead on her dashboard?

Catskills USA 

My American genes rage daily on twitter, this must be the not so puritan ancestors influence. Rebel journalists, rebel causes, that's for me! Blocking bots, pushing democratic principles, tweeting ellietest hypocrisy.  My familiar path is that of my paternal grandmother who hails from Wales. In another life, I may find myself there.

Carmarthenshire Wales

I roam without purpose, travel down roads unknown, happy for the journey !

Parry Sound Ont. Canada on the shores of Georgian Bay, spotted with tiny lakes and rushing streams.

But together , my sister & I represent the amazing women before us! ♥️


  1. Sisters! What would we do without them? I'm visiting my sister in Regina in a couple of weeks.

  2. Party Time! I will look forward to all the details! Thank you for visiting me! Cheers! 🍺

  3. Getting to know your roots and its well worth the visit :) Canadian, American and Welsh blood - well travelled my friend x

  4. The spouse's family comes from Wales! With a middle name of Llewellyn although we didn't pass that one on to our son. Too hard to spell. ;)

  5. Ooow I love me some family history :D *must remember Ancestry .co is free to search this weekend squee....* XXX

  6. I recently found out my ancestry through the Ancesty.com DNA test... 100% European... mainly Scottish and Southern English... a bit of Irish... and the remainder is Scandinavian, Greek and Italian. I knew about everything except the Greek and Italian. So interesting delving into ancestry.

    Lucky your Grandma fell for a Canadian "Bad Boy"!! ;D


I hate talking to myself, Please comment ♥ Thank you for your visit!