Friday, May 1, 2015

May Mad Hatter Day Celebration 2015!

      courtousy of Pinterest

Welcome Fab Hatters!  Glorious temps above freeZing have graced northern Ontario!  

MAY is a month to fling open the windows , and bounce around Happy to have survived 
another winter!  This weekend has gifted us all with a bright shining full moon, full of hope 
and the promise of new Beginings. 
I quickly hunt out my best bike riding attire, sun hat and all.  Make endless lists and dreams of more creative adventures.  
We all adore dressing up, regardless of time. I have always admired Hats!  and the best Hatter was of course Mad!  I imagine anyone who dedicates their life's blood to their passion would appear that way, but I question ?
Symptoms..distorted vision, confused speech, hallucinations and my ️favorite, " hatters shakes"

ThiS is sounding familiar?  Are they confusing aging ?  Then call me a Mad Hatter !

My favorite vintage shop is a wonderful place to visit to affirm the existance of magick and make believe!  Come! I will take you there!

North Bay Ontario Canada

Wonderful mirror to make you smile! 

 Looking up, huge, vibrant, oil paintings by the amazing shop owner Lynn Compton

We all love Art and Fashion joining in to disguise reality....a Snail purse! Or a Clock puRse

Telephone Tote!  That's the one!

But Hats! yes Hatts!  Express your inner Madness!  

On the ceiling, on the walls, upstairs and down,  Art and Imagination explosion!! everywhere!

" My wilD oats become shredded wheat".....Talent, Vision and Humour!  who could ask for more I Love this shop!  Thank you so much Lynn Compton for allowing me to share .   You are all welcome any time!

Thrilled with such a wonderful May Day, my new additions to the Imaginarium are anxious to show off !

Pulling tiny bits of straw from my hair, and making everyone photo ready, I am Mad to present

From your left to riGht
 Twink, May and Mazie,  and the Maddest of All! Me!

Thank you All VERY much for taking time to Celebrate with me !
Special thank you to Lynn Compton and Adrianna Of NikNax on Etsy for a special gift for all my Mad Hatter FrIEnds...Visit you ALL SOON!

Please leave your LINK to your blog with comment.......You are the BEST!


  1. I LOVE this post, Debi!!! :D ♥ The name of that vintage shop is utterly brilliant!!! And what a gorgeous treasure trove it is!!

    The hatted dollies are all ADORABLE and the hat on the stick is absolutely inspired! What a clever idea! ♥ ♥ ♥

    (I still have to take my hat photo, so I'll be back a little later with the link. xo)

    1. I posted early for time zone change! Also to get a start on gathering for my collage!
      Thank you so much Emma, I can't tell you how much of FUN! I've had!
      Lynn was so kind to allow me to share her world !
      I will watch for you! xDebi

    2. My post:

  2. Thanks for a fun event! Love all your hats!

    1. A true Hatter indeed Sharon! I visited your blog and jaw dropped!
      Detailed Delious! Thank you so much for celebrating with me!

    2. It was great fun! Glad I had it mostly done before the big poetry challenge!

    3. An amazing month of poetry.,,,,relax......make a HAT! xo

  3. I will have to visit Lynn's store when I venture this summer. It looks absolutely divine. And like a good girl I have completed my Mad hat. Xo

  4. I will be sure to take you! I love Minni's Hat! Now your 5ft teddy will want one!
    Thank you, honey for celebrating May Day ! xoMom

    1. Harry may get one! Thanks for the idea. Xo

  5. You are a very different person to the one I 'met' all those years ago when I first started my blog! You have found your 'happiness' and what a joy it is to see you smile! That shop looks amazing and yes I would love to visit it :) Lovely post xxxxx

    1. Always Welcome! We have an airport! Hint Hint!
      Thank you for visiting me xo

  6. Cool idea for a blog hop! I love looking at hats but I don't wear them. The only hat I look good in is a man's fedora. Seriously, LOL!

    1. Thank you for visiting ! Your up early! I usually wear a straw cowboy hat at cocktail time! I do admire those who wear Hatted Hats well!
      Have a wonderful weekend! Cheers!!

  7. Now that looks like my kind of store! Do you do this Mad Hatter Day every May? Because next year I would love to participate! P.S. You don't look all that mad to me. Consider the source though.... Bwahaha. ;)

  8. Hay! You are in Red Deer this weekend! Thank you for visiting me!a, Wow!
    If I make it through winter, I would love to celebrate Madness every May Day!
    You are welcome if you ever find yourself this way!!a!

  9. *Sneaks in through back window so none notices she's late. Picks up empty glass...* *hic* any wine left?

    1. Well good Morning! Galavating? Celebrating , good for you! Wine in the cooler, thank you for visiting! You are stunning Darling! xoDebi

  10. Hattness! This is so exciting!

  11. Sorry to be late Debi but my hat is now on my blog.

    Love your post it's utterly mad and full of spring brightness just like your little dollies in their seasonal hats. I'd love to wander in that shop, that ornate mirror is gorgeous and the sign is brilliant.

    I'll wander around all the other party hatters tonight.

    1. Welcome !! I am so Happy to have celebrate with us all...May Day
      hat Madness! Thank you so much!

  12. I know you posted those lovely red hats to torment me, didn't you? Love the one in the third picture. So yummy looking! One of these days, you need to take me in one of exploration trips... I will get home with no money at all. LOL!

    Thanks so much for hosting. I almost didn't make it, I know... but I'm glad you made the party long enough that I could enjoy the last few hours. I have a bag to take home all the yummy bits other people overlooked. :-D

  13. I love this joyous celebration and so sorry I did not get my post together to really party with other Mad Hatters, I will partake by sipping on the posts and may still finish my art and post a very belated entry (or have it ready in time for the next).... Fabulous fun :)

  14. Oh my dear Maddest lady hatter what a fabulous celebration! I am only too sorry I did not join in, but I was off birthday celebrating all weekend! Love your fabulous look you gorgeous woman you!

  15. That looks like a fun shop! Love the pics!

  16. Oh my, what a Wonderland! I love everything, especially those purses!

    Here's my fashionably late party post:

  17. That is an amazing shop (Love the snail bag!) and I can see a day out there must be like digging through the best dressing-up box in the world!

    I love the dolls. They're so cute and the colours are just perfect. And that is a fabulous photo of you! I love it!

  18. I am going to this shop! So cool!! I think I would be in there for hours! I love it!! I love your creations and your picture is so adorable!! You're so cute!

  19. Oh no! I missed it :( Crappy crap. I remember looking up the date a while back and thinking there was plenty of time... But then I disappeared from the blog world for a while, and now I'm not just late, I'm too late. Sorry!

  20. Great pic! Love the purple hat!! The butterfly embellishment looks good on it!


I hate talking to myself, Please comment ♥ Thank you for your visit!