Thursday, April 10, 2014

Petulant Corpse & Artful Literary Event Planning

Break out the Daisy Dukes! It's 8C and sunshine!  Be still my withered heart!
Yes my petulance is at an all time high , bloodless shell and my nails have gone blue!
This really enhances my " scrub women" hands!!

Bee Thankful (b) witch, you crawled out from under The Most severe winter in your lifetime!

Better Now?

March has always kicked my ass? Not sure why?  Tomorrow is April! Yippy! 
As most of my virtual space friends are zipping right along with gardens, cleanup and
Event lists!  I must buck up and fly right along!!

Dark Visions and Beautiful Revisions courteousy of Corrina ( FB) 

Being me!  I will start with the most fun first!  Rosa Lily, Corrina, Deborah and I, have put
A theme schedule together for Art Journaling 2014 Swap!   I made a list !
( poster side bar)
This will ease stress and eliminate deadlines!  Works for me!
The only deadline is the end ( as it should be! )  Remember ALL are Welcome, anytime,
 any medium.
Further details?  You know how to reach me******

Artful Reading Club monthly reviews ( click top Puddleduck Grange Studio tab), 
LGBT April Challenge and my usual curiosities of critic's attentions , 
my self medicating is complete!

Off to post another PIF (pay it forward) surprise! ( sort of?).  
New Moon and Warming Sun!  Nothing but
         Blue Skies Now!!! ..?


  1. Glad the weather has picked up for you! I received my journal page today and I love it thank you!

    Bee happy x

  2. Nice nails by the way (really should do more with mine!!). I see you put together the Art Journal ideas - looking forward to each and every one! xx

  3. March is the longest, worst month of the year in my opinion! Good riddance to it! Isn't that the funniest the way us Canadians feel when we see above zero temperatures, bare legs and arms all the way haha!

  4. Now I want to paint my nails. My nephew bought me a polished named "old bruise." The boy knows me, doesn't he?

    March kicked my rear, too! I wonder what's up with that...

    Keep the artistic yumminess coming. ;-D

  5. Great idea for the journal pages! I too am glad Spring is finally here, I am not a cold person lol!

    Hope you are well! Hugs xx

    P.s I love Nora Roberts books too, think I have read all of them! :)

  6. It's still pretty cold here. Glad you're having nicer weather though, it always lifts the spirits. Loving your nail colour....hopefully the only link to coldness you'll see until winter comes around again.

    Have a lovely day :)

  7. Love the color of your nails.

  8. Lovely nail colour...and talking of PIF's....nearly finished yours :D XXX

  9. I am loving the blue nails. Hope it's due to polish and not cold :) I will have to check out your book suggestions. Have a wonderful April, very rainy here but warmer so can't complain.
    Ali xx

  10. February and March are my least two favourite months of the year, so relieved to have them over with.

    I love the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles. Pandora is a good one. :-)


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