Monday, January 27, 2014

Mother Nature SPARKS! Creative Flood ***

(Photo courtesy of Ziggy Crane, Owen Sound Ont. Canada)

Family will not allow wallowing in the winter blues.  You all are familiar with my multi talented 
Spectacles Crane ( woodworker/ sculptor) , many creative posts have displayed his amazing
Art.  The most recent project, during the northern deep freeze is this clay figure, casket and 
perfectly stitched caped skeleton!  I have requested a similar cape !!

Mr. S. Crane has a younger sister, Ziggy Crane.  Creativity is timidly booming as bake goods couture! 
Delicate and detailed , comforting and traditional are her seasonal specialties!

Creative Yummiest!  100th Birthday Celebration.  Pearls and delightful Rose bud's

Banana Bread Scones with brown sugar glaze!  Gorgeous morning energy boost!

Variegated dark chocolate candy cups!  Perfect Guest Treats!

Quietly,  Ziggy plots her next tempting offerings , in a country cabin, covered in snow!  Thank you
For sharing and be sure!  Inspiration has been received!

Honouring gifts I have been very fortunate to receive,  is a creative exercise I seek out and enjoy.
Ana ( Azul Violete Doll Dreams friend and brilliant artist), surprised me recently with this dazzling 

I want this part of my everyday, so I enlisted the endless talents of Mr. Crane ( as always) to
Make my vision a reality!  I wanted a book to hold my thank you note cards, tags, bookmarks ect.
Seconds later......,...voila!  Now this stunning image will not ONLY grace my creative corner, it will
Open to a cupboard of personal paper, tags and bookmarks! 

I am making fabric shelves for my many gelli painted papers!  and thank you cards. 

Not to allow Nana Puddleduck to be blue for long, my young puddleducks are always conjuring 
escapades of mischief !  I do believe my middle Puddleduck is heading for an acting career!

" How to train Your Dragon"  

Shake off those dull drums,  another Puddleduck weekend ahead! ( weather permitting ).
My creative tasks, are being checked off!  

The Artful Reading Club for 2014 review is due this Friday.  I have posted my first review for this year 
In Puddleduck Grange Studio.  Please click the tab at the top of this page.  

Thank you ALL!  for visiting me!

Bee Safe!    Bee Kind!  and Shake Off those Frosty Blues!!  xoxoxoxo


  1. What a lovely post. The photo at the top is wonderful and all those baked treats have left me feeling hungry. What wonderful gifts, the canvas is so pretty and how talented is Mr Crane. Glad to hear your family is not letting you wallow, it's good to get out and blow the cobwebs away.
    Take care. Ali xx

  2. Love all the crafty yumminess that you shared with us, I am very jealous of your new handmade paper/gift tag holder.

  3. Oh, I am drooling over those banana bread scones. Keep warm and keep chasing those winter blues away.

  4. I am in LOVE with your caped skeleton and with the idea of telling the winter blues that they can't stay! Blow some hot smiles into its frigid face, that's what I say. Then share something hot and sweet with friends who love you!

  5. Yup got to agree, the banana bread scones, oh my goodness! And what a sweet little skelly you've got lurking around there through the creative energy of that Spectacles Crane ;)

  6. You gotta love mother nature this time of year. The way the snow falls is art in itself.

  7. Little puddleduck is very excited to be on his nana's special art page ( what he calls it ). He told his class today that nana lives in North Pole. Lol.

  8. i love the little skeleton! it's so cute! ana's canvas is beautiful and now it's beautiful box! yummy food! your atcs are almost ready to take off to! take care debi <3

  9. I love the canvas 'book' Mr Crane modified with your awesome painting from your friend clever!
    All of the food looks so scrumptious!
    Teresa in California

  10. Please pack those scones and send them to me!!

  11. Thank you for brightening up my snow covered day.
    (Although I don't have my book reveiw written yet!) :0

  12. What lovely photographs to accompany your text. Thank you for sharing.


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